The End Of You And Me | Book Review

end_kindle_zpsa6f453dcTHE END OF YOU AND ME

Genre: Ya,Contemporary

Source: I received this from the author in exchange for a honest review.


Sixteen-year old Kate can’t live without London. Their friendship is intense to the point of obsession. Nothing else matters: not dating, college applications, or her military father’s disapproval. When beautiful red-haired Anastasia sweeps into town and becomes fast friends with the pair, life changes forever. Suddenly Kate’s quiet world is threatened.

What makes an honor-student like Kate snap? Is it a redhead armed with seduction and lies? And how far will either of them go to get what they want? [GOODREADS]

Untitled design-8 Love is an extremely powerful emotion. It will lead people to do unthinkable things. Kate and London are consumed with their friendship to the point where everything else in the world does not register or draw away their attention from each other. That is the case until a new girl arrives and slowly wiggles her way into their life.

This is a story about young love and friendship and the lengths that two people will go to remain in each others lives. For Kate and London it is always just the two of them and no one else matters. I found this to be slightly annoying throughout the book. Obsessive relationships are not something I can relate to and it lead me to find Kate as a weak and dependent character. I did quite enjoy Anastasia and found her entertaining. Who doesn’t like a crazy, wild and outgoing female character. As with Kate I also found London a little flat and although he had goals in life he seemed held back by the engulfing relationship with Kate.

The End Of You And Me was an easy, enjoyable and fast read. It did cover some deep issues (although they were just lightly glossed over), with an extreme surprising twist that I did not see coming. I was caught off guard because I felt like there was a certain way the story was going to go and it definitely went a totally different way. The book was short so I felt like the story was lacking in some depth and development, but overall it was satisfying and quick read about friendship and love.



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