Top Ten Tuesday| Books On My Summer TBR

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This weeks Top Ten Tuesday topic hosted by Broke and Bookish is The Top Ten Books On My Summer TBR! This should probably also be called The Summer Of Big Books & Series! There are so many books I have been putting aside and waiting until summer to read because I was in the last year of college and had so much to do this past year. These are going to be the ten that I want to read the most, but I am probably going to read so many more than these this summer (and might not get to some of these either.)

1.  Harry Potter Series. This is at the top of my TBR list because I have never read them before and it needs to happen this summer.

2. Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson. I have heard so much about the whole trilogy and Brandon Sanderson that I really want to get at least the first book in this series read.

3. The Diviners by Libba Bray. I have been wanting to start this multiple times and just keep getting intimidated by its size. I would also love to get to Libba Bray’s Gemma Doyle trilogy, but those are some big books as well.

4. The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken. With the third book coming out later this year I figured I should get to this so that I am able to read the last book when it comes out!

5. Winger by Andrew Smith. This has been getting a lot of hype lately and I really want to get around to reading it soon. It sounds really intriguing and is a stand alone so it is always nice to throw one of those in with book bigs in series.

6. Caster Chronicles by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl. I have read the first book in this series already and have really wanted to get around to finishing the series since a spin off series is being written and the first book in that just came out.

7. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. I have been working on this book for about two years now and I really want to finish it. It is just really intimidating and time consuming read.

8.  To Kill A Mocking Bird by Harper Lee. I have read this book and it is one of my favorites. It has been awhile since I have read it and really want to reread it!

9. Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout. She is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors and I want to start the Lux series really bad. I have had a new found interest in aliens and whats better than hot aliens!

10. The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. I have been on a big fantasy kick and this is one that I have heard amazing things about. I have recently been reading the Gentleman Bastard Series by Scott Lynch and lots of people say if you like one you will like the other!

What are some books you plan/ want to read this summer? 


  1. I am currently marathoning the Divergent series. I just began the first one a couple days ago, I am really excited to get into it because I feel like the last person on earth who has not read it!

    1. I feel like I need to reread those. I absolutely loved Divergent the first time but not so much for the other two but I have heard from people that reread them say they liked them better the second time.

  2. the diviners would be a great one to read this summer, not only cos it’s a really really good book but there is a sequel coming out in August : D

  3. Anna Karenina! On which page are you? 😀 I recently tried to start reading War and Peace (just for fun) but I got stuck after a few pages. It already gets so depressing just to see all those small FONTS as well as the amount of WORDS 😀 And I really didn’t want to force myself to read through it. Anyway, great list!

    1. I am like on page 400 something of Anna Karenina. I literally started it like two years ago, but I have been in school and just haven’t had the time to dedicate to it.

  4. I’ve read The Diviners by Libba Bray, and I really liked it, but it was really creepy (although, how do you make a book about a serial killer not creepy.) And I’ve already told you I loved the Caster Chronicles despite the slow second book. I actually have a couple similar books on my TBR list (Harry Potter, Lux series, and the Darkest Minds, although I didn’t add the Darkest Mind to my published list because I don’t have it and don’t have any immediate plans to read it.)

  5. I’m stuck on Anna Karenina as well. I actually really like it so far, it’s just that every time I look at the seven hundred pages I have left, I tend to wander to a more quick, easy read. Need to forge on, though.

    Erin @ Raised Reading

    1. I feel the same way. I have really enjoyed all that I have read I just feel like it has been so long that I might have to start over and that makes it even worse. I have been thinking of maybe just writing down notes of what I remember and such so I hopefully don’t have to start from the beginning.

  6. First of all, I love your blog’s header photo! So jealous of it! Second, you’ve never read Harry Potter!!?? OMG!! Read it! Read it now! I love those books. I’ve read them all multiple times. Also, Brandon Sanderson is a great author. I also have a book of his (Mistborn, which is the first in a trilogy) on my Summer TBR List. Right now, I’m reading The Diviners, and it’s soooo good. I can’t wait for the sequel!

    1. Thank you ! I am pretty proud of it! And I know, I did read the first one like two weeks ago and I am planning on spreading them out throughout summer so I ca enjoy the series. I am excited to read the Misborn trilogy and The Diviners!

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