2019 Bookish Bucket List | August Update

Here goes year 5 doing this! I completed about half of my 2018 Bookish Bucket List last year. I want to work pretty hard to be able to say at the end of the year I completed it!  And I set myself both blogging and reading goals this year instead of combining them into one list. I am really trying to challenge myself this year and really focus on being a blogger and a reader. If you would like to see what my goals are for blogging you can check them out here

♠ Read at least 50 books.

There are 4 months left in the year and I am 3 books shy of my goal! I have currently read 47 out of 50 books!

♠ Complete 10 Series.

I have completed 2 so far , plus caught up on two series with all of the published books. So it kind of makes it 4

♠ Read at least 5 Non-Fiction/Classics 

I have started a few, but I have not completed any still. I have a ton that I am hoping to get to this year. I just need to pick them up and start them. I wish I had more time. They just take a lot of extra focus and thing in life have been so crazy.

♠ Read at least 6 BIG books.  {I am counting this as over 500 pages}.Check out my list of Big Books I want to read in 2019

Last year I failed at this challenge. So far this year I have completed 3 Big Books, which is half of my goal! Quite a few books I have read have gotten really close, like the last one was 496 pages.

♠ Be more selective with ARCs

I feel like I haven’t been requesting as many ARCs as normal. But somehow I have ended up with a ton and they all seem to be publishing very soon. I’m currently struggling with some that I have and either not enjoying or just cant get into it right now.

♠ Read 3 Buy 1 – Book Banning 

I bought so many books this month. {*face palm*}. But I’m making some big life changes or at least trying soon. I have decided I need to not buy any books the rest of the year (except for Christmas)

♠ Read 12 E-Books

I have finished 10 ebook so far or which I had previously owned none of them prior to this year. Some happen to be Kindle Unlimited books so they are not ones I owe. So I feel like I should not count them, but I have definitely been reading a ton more and making a focus to work on my kindle tbr.

How are you doing with your Book/Reading Goals ?

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Email: fallingdownthebookhole@gmail.com


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