2022 Bookish Goal Planning

2022 Bookish Goal Planning

Here goes year 8 doing this, 2022 Bookish Goal Planning! I did pretty bad with my with my goals in 2021, although I did not meet them all, I exceeded in some and came close for others. I said this last year, but want to continue to be more intentional with my goals this year. Creating more achievable goals and ones that will help with my bookish/blogging growth as well. Again I am setting myself both blogging and reading goals this year all in one list instead of dividing them into separate ones. I want to spend more time this year enjoying blogging and reading and making it not fill like such a chore.  (* Be prepared for basically all repeats of my goals last year *)

2022 Bookish Goal Planning

Read at least 75 books

In 2021, I was able to read a total of 92 books, which was more than my goal, but not as many as I was really hoping to read (especially since I have like 800 books on my physical and digital TBR) I did not want to set a crazy high goal this year because I just moved back to my home state and hopefully will spend more time with family and friends throughout this year. I do want to tackle those books on my shelves and read books I have been avoiding. To get to the point where I am okay with picking up a huge fantasy book and not feel bad or like I have to read so many more. Check out the 22 books I want to read in 2022.

Complete 5 Unfinished Series

It’s almost sad that I continue to but this on my list every year, but it is a challenge to complete series. I love to start them and take years upon years to work my way through them even though i bought myself all of them. Especially the ones that have been on my bookshelves for almost 10 years. I am hoping to complete more than 5, but I am trying to set obtainable goals so I can feel successful with something.

Work On My Blog Content

This is a repeat from last year. I did spend more time updating old blog post and deleting some that are no longer relevant. My blog views did pretty well this year with the fact that I didn’t post a ton like I wanted to this year. I always get so mad at myself at the end of the year when I am trying to do wrap up posts and I never finished review posts.

  • I want to work on updating all of my old posts, since I switched to self-hosted at the end of 2018 and some of my posts are messed up with broken links.
  • Make sure I write reviews for all 2022 releases and series wrap ups
  • Develop new and creative content
  • Work and learn more about SEO and traffic driven posting

Read at least 5 BIG Books

{I am counting a Big Book as being over 500 pages}

Another goal I continue to add to my bookish goals every year, and another one I always fall short on. I need to stop being scared of the bigger books and just read them regardless how long they take me. Especially since I usually listen to audiobooks at night regardless of the physical book I am reading. This goal should really be read my Epic Fantasy books! I love fantasy books so much when I read them, but I read so few a year because they scare me.

Read At Least 10 Underrated Books

{ I am going to base this on those books that have less than 5,000 ratings on Goodreads}

I created a goal last year of Underrated books I want to read in 2021. I did not read a single one *facepalm* I did read some other great underrated books in 2021 though. I find that a lot of times there are books that are so hyped in the book community that cause me to want to read them. There is nothing better than the feeling of discovering a hidden gem and being able to share and gush about a book that not many people talk about. I will be creating a different list for 2022, some will be the same, but there will be some new ones as well! And of course probably many that will end up appearing on my read list at the end of the year!

Tackle My TBR

My TBR has gotten a little bit crazy. With over 700+ unread books on my book shelves and on my kindle. I want to get that number down greatly. I want to make sure I am reading books that I own or start unhauling some books I do not believe I am interested in anymore.

Grow My Bookstagram

So this isn’t just for my bookstagram, but all of my social media platforms. I need to either curate my platforms a little more and actively utilize them or decide not to continue. In the last year or so I started using a preset and tried to create a look for my bookstagram. I feel like I still need to develop a system for the content and learn more about hashtags etc.

Find Some New Bookstores & Coffee Shops

This may be an odd one but I just moved and there is nothing I love more than finding cute little bookstores and coffee shops. With the pandemic the past few years I find myself unwilling to go out in public. I want to go out exploring and what better than to places with 2 of my favorite things!

Make Time For Reading

I want to be more intentional in setting aside time for reading. I feel like sometimes I put so much pressure on myself for reading that it forces me into a slump. I need to work on finding a time in the day that works and make it an everyday activitiy and habit.

Have you done any 2022 Bookish Goal Planning? What are some of your 2022 bookish goals/resolutions? 


2022 Bookish Goal Planning

Twitter: @downthebookhole
Instagram: @downthebookhole
Pintrest: fallingdowntheb
Tumblr: Falling Down The Rabbit Hole 
Bloglovin’: Down The Book Hole
Email: fallingdownthebookhole@gmail.com


  1. I’ve got a bad habit of buying the final book in a series and never finishing the series, because I don’t want it to end. I finally finished the Septimus Heap series by Angie Sage (last book released AND bought in 2013!) in 2021.

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