Big Book | 2020 Reading Challenge

One of my goals in 2019 (and 2018 to be honest) was to tackle those big books that intimidate me from my bookshelves.  I consider a big book to be 500 + pages. This has been a struggle that I have faced every year because big books intimidate me. They take a lot of time and dedication. You have to be in the mood for it and know it will take a few weeks to finish. I did manage to read one book from my 2019 list and a few that were not on the list. I decided that I am going to do a Big Book 2020 Reading Challenge.

I own a lot of them and many of them I have heard nothing, but awesome things about. Of course a majority of these are fantasy books and in long series that make them even more intimidating. Here are some of the big books I own and really want to try to get to in this next year, some of them are repeats from the list last year.

I want to read 5 Big Books in 2020!

Cress by Marissa Meyer {552 pages}

I need to continue on with these series so bad, I have been putting it off too long and now own all of the books in the series

A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas {626 pages}

Another series I need to continue with, I also need to start the Throne of Glass series.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K Rowling {759 pages}

I have finally made it to the last book in this series! I cannot wait to finish it so I do not feel bad about still not reading these books.

The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson {541 pages}

I need to do a reread of this before I can continue on with the series. I loved it the first time I read it so it should be an easier read.

Stray by Rachel Vincent {618 pages}

I have started collecting so many paranormal series that I need to start working through. I need more paranormal romances in my life!

Finders-Seekers by Gayle Greeno {506 pages}

This is a book I picked up because there are cats on the cover. I also have this on my underrated books I want to read in 2020 list. So I am hoping that will help me pick it up!

Amazonia by James Rollins {510 pages}

I have heard great things about this and want to read more diversely this year in all aspects and that includes thriller adventures!

The Tiger’s Daughter by K Arsenault Rivera { 526 pages}

I have been dying to read this even since I heard about it and I am so intrigued by the story. And yet I have had it for a year and a half, and its still unread.

Skyward by Brandon Sanderson {513 pages}

I own more Sanderson than I have read, and of course all of them are big books! So that means I need to make my way through his published list!

Hocus Pocus and the All New Sequel by A.W Jantha {521 pages}

Hocus Pocus is one of my favorite movies and I am all about those witchy vibes. Ever since this book came out I have by dying to pick it up!

Wildwood by Colin Meloy {541 pages}

I brought this book because of Torrance Coombs. It should be an easy read because its a middle grade and has illustrations. I have been trying to find more books to fill the hole that Fablehaven left. Hoping for the best.

NOS4A2 by Joe Hill { 692 pages}

Another one that has been sitting on my book shelves forever. Hill and King always have strange books that end up really great!

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon {850 pages}

This is one that my mom read forever ago and loved. Also one the rest of the world seems to adore. I want to watch the show, but wanted to read first.

What are some big books you need to read or want to read in 2020! Have you read any of these? Which should I start with?

Twitter: @downthebookhole
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