Bookish Bucket List 2020 | April Update

Here goes year 6 doing this, here is my April update of my Bookish Bucket List 2020! I did pretty well with my 2019 Bookish Bucket List last year! I want to be more intentional with my goals this year. Creating more achievable goals and ones that will help with my bookish/blogging growth as well. I am setting myself both blogging , social media and reading goals this year all in one list instead of dividing them into separate ones. I’m really trying to challenge myself this year and focus on being a blogger and a reader. 

Read at least 65 books.

I have read 34 books which is 52% of my goal and its not even half way through the year! I am 13 books ahead of schedule according to Goodreads. Audiobooks and novellas have been my savior!

Complete 10 Series.

I have completed 3 series and 1 up to publication! And working through many more. I want to start reading through a backlist series a month/bimonthly now to catch up on series and also help with my TBR !

Spend 2 Hours A Week Engaging on Social Media

With the pandemic and being stuck at home has definitely given me more time to do this. I feel like I am constantly on my phone and social media. I need to be more intentional about my social media engaging.

Read at least 5 BIG books.  

{I am counting this as over 500 pages}.Check out my list of Big Books I want to read in 2020

Technically this number is 1 but there was one that was really close so like 1.5 big books. I need to get better at this, I just get so intimidated.

Limit My Book Buying

I didn’t purchase any books this month for myself! I did receive some earcs, books/ebooks from friends and some books from publishers!

Work On My Blog Content

This is something I have really been struggling with. I have so many ideas but the execution hasn’t been there. It also gets frustrating when I feel like no one ever looks at my blog and its all for nothing. I have seen so many book bloggers that have been around just a year or so and doing so much better than me. I am not sure what my blog is lacking or what I am missing.

Tackle My TBR

This month I actual was able to read a few physical books I own for the OWLs Readathon. I am slowly (much slower than I have wanted) making my way through my physical TBR

Read At Least 15 Underrated Books

I was able to read a few off my list this month, to total 2!

Post on Instagram 3 Times A Week

I have definitely posted more on my instagram this month, but not as much as I wanted to. Check out my instagram!

Read 6 of My Best Friend’s Recommendations

I have read one off the list of my best friends recommendations so far! It was Slow Burn by Autumn Jones Lake and there will be a review coming soon! There are plans for more in May

How are you doing with your Book/Reading Goals ?

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