Evolution of My Reading Taste

So when I was at my parent’s house this weekend I realized that there has been an evolution of my reading taste. It has changed greatly. When I first started really reading and falling in love with books my go to books were The American Girl books ( Samantha was my favorite and I even had the doll). I think I own all of them, well at least a good majority of them since they continued to release them and created more after I moved on from that phase. I still love those books. They are adorable and if I ever have a daughter I am going to read them to her for sure.

Following along with my love of historical fiction in my younger years, The Little House on the Prairie series (I don’t know if it has a specific name) are great loves of mine. My mom started reading these to me and bought me all of the books in the series and the other books written by Laura Ingalls Wilders daughter and family. I can’t even tell you how many times I read all those books when I was younger and my plan is to re-read them very soon!

My taste remained to be revolving around historical fiction up to high school. ( It is my mom’s favorite and so that is why I think I read a lot of it, not saying it is bad…I still love reading historical fiction. I just don’t read it as much anymore.) One of my favorite sub genres was anything about World War II. It always intrigued me. One of the emotional experiences I ever had was when I visited the house of Anne Frank and a concentration camp in Germany.

There was also a time late middle school and early high school that I was obsessed with Nicolas Sparks books. I think I own almost everything he has written. Now I am not really into romance and such, but still think he is a wonderfully brilliant writer and quite enjoy his work! It was not until high school that I was introduced and fell in love with dystopian and paranormal books. A friend lent me both Twilight and The Hunger Games. I also discovered The Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld. Once I started college my eyes were open to all types of genres. Fantasy has greatly become one of my favorites! 

It is crazy to look back in time and see how preferences have changed. I think it says a lot about a person. Fantasy has opened my mind and allowed me to believe so much more in myself and all the possibilities that are available to me. Being a broke college student, books have given me an escape to another place. Experience things I have not been able to yet. (I know I got deep or at least tried. But there it is! My thoughtful attempt)

Hunger Games vs. Divergent

AHHHHHHH….. I have many thoughts and opinions about the comparison between Hunger Games VS Divergent. Since last night I have heard and seen many things about the similarities between these two books/movies. I went and saw the Divergent movie with a friend last night who had not read the book and her response after the movie was ” […]

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Taking A Step Into Another World

Sometimes when one place doesn’t seem like enough and all you want to do is get away, jump into a different life and different world. Nothing fills this void better than a great book! Books allow me to leave my reality, for however long it is, and in that moment life seems better. I can hide away from […]

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