How Do You Rate? | Discussion

So while looking back through my review posts and ratings on Goodreads I have discovered something strange. Although it can be quite difficult to say a 4 star contemporary book is the same as a 4 star fantasy novel, they have the same star rating.
I have discovered that while rating series I tend to compare and rate the books against each other. So where I gave Spirit Bound #5 in the Vampire Academy a 3.5 star rating in reality is was probably closer to a 4/4.5 star rating, but in comparison to the other books in the series it was my least favorite. Is that fair to do?
How do you step back and assign a rating to a book based solely on that one book. How do you not compare it to another in the same series. Do you try and rate the book on a set of criteria regardless of its genre. Do you rate on what the author presented and accomplished in the story they were telling?
I haven’t really ever sat down and thought about this and realize now that rating books is such a struggle. I gave The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood and I Want It That Way by Ann Aguirre both 4 star ratings, but there is no way I could compare these two to each other. To say I liked one more the other would be a correct statement too, but I gave them both the same rating.
I guess what I would really like to know is How Do You Rate? How do you approach this situation and what are the things that affect your ratings?

Unfortunate Hiatus Of Sorts

So if you may have noticed in the past month or so I have mentioned/hinted at the fact that there would be time this year that I would be away. I thought I should take the time to actually explain everything as well as thank all of you for the support, encouragement and blog love! If you don’t […]

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Books That Let Me Down in 2014

These are books that were either overhyped or just felt short of the expectations I set for them (or the book community set for me) or were just not what I thought. Ultimately they were books that let me down. Not saying that I hated these books (I even gave a few higher ratings), they are just ones […]

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Guest Posting | Discussion

So I was trying to think of something to post today and thought I would switch it up and do a discussion post. If you follow my blog you might have seen that I have been hinting to the fact that I might not be around a lot in the coming months and will be on a bit […]

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E-Reader Chat

I am still one of those people that wholly believes in the physical book. There is nothing better than holding the book, seeing it on a shelf and that oh so delightful book smell! I recently have been getting e-arcs and receiving review copies of e-books. I only have the Kindle app for my phone and computer and […]

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Diving Back Into Old Loves…

It has been awhile since I have posted a rant/thought type of post! I always feel like I have a lot to say and like getting my thoughts out and hearing thoughts and opinions from others on certain topics. I would love to hear everyone’s thoughts and especially if you would like me to create a post on […]

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Creating a TBR List

I have been working on coming up with a TBR List for June and it is proving to be very difficult! There are so many books I want to read. I know I am horrible at following my list I create anyways, but I like to have it so that when I struggle to pick a book to […]

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Bookish Excitement !

Today has been a good day for me regarding bookish things! I won a book giveaway on twitter! Someone else was giving away books on twitter and I was able to claim one! And Michelle Krys the author of Hexed has agreed to do a blog interview! So if you were able to get your hands on an […]

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How Do You Decide?

There are so many books I want to buy and read and I have been thinking a lot lately about how to decide which ones are more important and at the top of my list. I can only read so many books and it would be a waste to have so many books that will never be read. […]

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M.I.A TOO LONG [Updates and Shenanigans]

This past week was just full of distractions and adventures and no (to little) reading. I was so happy to be participating in my first read-a-thon (Bout of Books 10.0) and ended up not making any of my goals. I read a total of 230 pages in the week and didn’t even complete a whole book, but hey […]

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