Top Ten Tuesday| Top Places Books Have Made Me Want To Visit

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This weeks Top Ten Tuesday topic hosted by Broke and Bookish is The Top Ten Places Books Have Made Me Want To Visit (either real of fictional). This was kind of a hard one for me. A lot of the books I read do not make me want to be anywhere near those worlds or places. I feel like there are also a few that many other people will also have included on their lists.
Wonderland– from The Adventure’s of Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. This would be the most strange and amazing place ever. Talking animals, singing flowers etc.
Tortall- from Song of the Lioness Quartet( or any of the other books in this world) by Tamora Pierce. Knights in shining armor!
Camorr– from Gentleman Bastard Series by Scott Lynch. This world is so detailed and has so many different layers to it.
Hogwarts– from the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. Im sure this is an answer for like everyone.
New Beijing– from Cinder by Marissa Meyer. There would so many awesome technological advantages like hovercrafts.
Narnia– from The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S Lewis. Who wouldnt want to go through a wardrobe and end up in a magical world.
Russia (St. Petersburg)– from the Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead. I have always found Russia to be intriguing and the stock of men to be wonderful haha.
Pocono Mountains – from Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson. They sound absolutely beautiful. It would be awesome to have a house on the lake up in the mountains like Taylor Edwards.
♠ Middle Earth- from the Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien. If you tell me you don’t want to visit middle earth there is something wrong with you.

Mountain City– from Proxy by Alex London. There is so much high tech and technological advantages it would be awesome. Also having a data thread (in your mind) that you could see would be awesome.

Honorable mention:

The Capital of Panemfrom The Hunger Games (just from the first book) by Suzanne Collins. It just seems like an extremely interesting place to see with all the outrageousness of the people from the capital.

Where are some places from books you would like to visit either fictional or real? 


  1. It took me a REALLY long time to put together my list because I thought I had to pick real places and I apparently don’t read many books set in real locations. Anyway. I stretched myself and found some exotic locations and matched them up with books I’ve read. MY TTT book locations

  2. I live in PA… if you ever truly want to see the Poconos, you just have to get over here and I’d take you!! Truth be told though, there are prettier parts of PA than the Poconos, in my opinion. The Poconos are a bit touristy.

  3. I felt the same way this week- it was hard to come up with a list because I read so many dystopian and paranormal books with settings I would NOT want to visit, mostly due to anarchy/civil unrest/corrupt governments, etc. Great choice in including the Ponoco Mountains. I loved the lake setting in Second Chance Summer, it seemed like the perfect, quiet summer getaway!

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