Top Ten Tuesday| Top Ten Series I Want To Start, But Haven’t Yet


This weeks Top Ten Tuesday topic hosted by Broke and Bookish is The Top Ten Books You Have Read So Far This Year, but I will not being doing that topic. I recently wrote a guest post for YA Reads (which hasn’t been posted yet), but it is an explained post on the top 5 books I have read so far this year. So look out for that one! Instead I decided to do the Top Ten Series I Want To Start, But Haven’t Yet!

1. Game of Thrones. My parents bought me the box set of the first four books for Christmas and I feel like everyone talks about these and the show (which I refuse to watch until I have read the books). They are just a little intimidating and with so many other books I want to read it is hard to pick these up when I know they will take up a lot of time. But I plan to at least read the first book really soon!

2. Misborn Trilogy. (This is a trilogy, but I am going to count it!) I just recently purchased the box set because I have heard nothing but great things about these books, I am in a real fantasy kick and the U.K book covers are awesome! These are also chunky books, but I want to at least read one of them soon!

3. Percy Jackson. I feel like I am so late to the game with this. Everyone talks about this series and its one of my TBR shame series. I need to read these since I bought the whole box set and can now marathon them.

4. Throne of Glass. Ugh I want to read these so bad. I read one of the novellas awhile ago and fell in love and now this is getting so much hype and is everywhere.

5. Dark Towers. I have been wanting to read more Stephen King and this series looks really intriguing and I have heard some great things about it!

6. Bloodlines. I just finished the Vampire Academy Series and I need to continue this now! I love VA and can’t wait to read this, but also don’t want to because I don’t want it to be over.

7. The Mortal Instruments/Infernal Devices.  Officially I have started this because I read the first book of TMI, but I need to reread it and continue on because now they are all out and so many people are talking/love them.

8. Seven Realms. This goes along with my whole fantasy kick. They sound awesome and is a shorter completed series that is easily marathon-able.

9. Lux. I have recently fallen in love with Jennifer L. Armentrout and everyone raves about this series. I love her writing style and have been meaning to get into more alien-ish books.

10. Lord of the Rings. (even though this is a trilogy unless you include The Hobbit, which I have read) Well my best friend loves this trilogy and thinks it is absolutely amazing. I think she will kill me soon if I don’t read it and I loved The Hobbit so this will have to happen soon.

What are some series you want to start reading? Have you read any of these?



  1. brilliant- I have actually already done “top ten books so far this year” so I might borrow your idea :3

  2. Urgh. I feel your pain. Game of Thrones is actually shot where I live (OK, not like on my doorstep, but nearby!) and half my friends have been extras in it. And I still haven’t watched it. Because I haven’t read them yet. High fantasy is kind of intimidating. So, to overcome this I bought all 7 books in a boxset on a great offer…. it made sense at the time…

    I haven’t read Percy Jackson and it isn’t a massive priority for me at the minute either even though everyone and their uncle seems to have read it…

    Throne of Glass and Lux are on my list, as well as Infernal Devices, The Lunar Chronicles, The Selection, Dreams of Gods and Monsters, etc. etc. I will highly recommend The Mortal Instruments series though!! I’m doing a reread of books 1-5 at the minute before getting stuck in to book 6. Can’t wait. I LOVE that world and I love that Cassandra Clare has written so much about it.

    R X

    1. Thats so cool that some of your friends have been extras! So many people talk about it. I love fantasy books it is just rough because they are always all so huge! I also have to read The Selection and Daughter of Smoke and Bones Trilogy! I have the first three books in the TMI and have read the 1st book, but I want to reread it and marathon the whole series!

  3. I really want to read the rest of the Lux series at some point. I read and loved the first book but then was distracted and haven’t gone back to it. The release of the new set has me wanting to pick them up again.

  4. The first book in the Mistborn series is really high up on my TBR list, and the UK covers are amazing! You really need to read Throne of Glass – I fell in love with the series straight away. And Percy Jackson is so much fun! I hope you get to read these soon. 😀

  5. Ugh. I read Throne of Glass after a friend urged me to do so. I fell in love with the story and yelled at my friend when I realized IT WAS NOT A STANDALONE NOVEL. But yeah, loved it.

    Awesome list, by the way. The A Song of Ice and Fire series is certainly worth the read (at least, the first three books are imo), and I’m going through the second book of the Mistborn trilogy and really liking that, too.

  6. I am loving the Lux series right now, they just keep getting better as the series progresses and the next one comes out in August!! I really want to read the Mistborn series, Lord of the Ring (just started the Hobbit), and Game Of thrones!! Great list!

  7. I’ve heard so much about Game of Thrones, and I’ve also heard the whole “intimidating” thing. When I saw them at a bookstore, I realized why they were intimidating, haha!

    Percy Jackson is an amazing series, as is the spinoff series, Heroes of Olympus. I’m really excited/sad for the last book of that series to come out.
    Also, TMI, TID, Lux, and Bloodlines are awesomesauce 😀 I started Seven Realms and read the first two books, which I really enjoyed, but I never picked up the rest of the series. It’s on the TBR, though!

    I’ve started Throne of Glass but was having trouble getting into it. I started it for Bout of Books but fell into a reading slump Dx I hope I get back to it soon!
    I also got the Fellowship of the Ring from the library for the second time… maybe I’ll finish it this time.

    Great list!

  8. We have very similar lists! lol I just reserved The Game of Thrones on audiobook whenever it gets returned back to the library – after a failed attempt at reading it (too many characters to keep track of with my read-5-books-at-a-time-depending-on-my-mood mentality), I am hoping the audio gets me through. I’ve heard great things about the narrator!

  9. I’ve read the PJO series, the Bloodlines series, and the Lux series. I love the PJO series (even though I read it as an eighth grader when it’s supposed to be a children’s series, but seriously people, don’t put so many labels on your books, it’s an awesome series.) Bloodlines I loves, because I got totally obsessed with Richelle Mead’s vampire books. And I love Adrian. Also, I love Jennifer Armentrout as well. I read the Covenant series first (and loved it.) Warning: The Lux series is one of the most frustrating series I’ve ever read. I’m still reading it right now because I got Origin for my birthday.

    1. I mean I plan on reading the PJO series at age 23 so its all good! I can’t wait to start the Bloodlines series, I absolutely loved the Vampire Academy. And I am glad to hear you loved the Covenant series because I have been think about reading that as well 🙂

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