What is YA BOTM?

What is YA BOTM? Book of the Month has been a book subscription service that has been around for awhile. You pay a set price each month and get to chose from a selection of new release books chosen each month. If you would like more than one of the books, you may add on an additional book for a set price. There is also the option to skip a month. Recently BOTM has added on a Young Adult Selection! It is a great way to get a brand new YA release for an affordable price.

Get your first book for $9.99 by using the code: FLEX

I was selected as an affiliate for YA BOTM, which I am so excited about! I love when I am able to work in partnership with a company and I’m honor to have been given the opportunity to participate in this program. It is not often that I am selected for such partnerships, being a book blogger with a smaller following. I have a great appreciation for BOTM for allowing many of us smaller/or newer members of the book community to have this opportunity. Most times these opportunities only go to booktubers/bloggers with thousands of followers.

So this has been a point of controversy in the book community as of late. In which it saddens me that those in the community with bigger followings and tons of affiliate, sponsor and partnership opportunities are upset about the opportunity given to others. But I digress.

I recently received my first book for the month of August, House of Salt and Sorrow by Erin A Craig. I was so intrigued by the synopsis and hope to get to it very soon!

August Book Picks

Hello Girls by Brittany Cavallaro and Emily Henry

Mind Games by Shana Silver

House of Salt and Sorrow by Erin A Craig

The Downstairs Girl by Stacey Lee

Color Me In by Natasha Diaz

Want to apply to be a YA Affiliate ?

Twitter: @downthebookhole
Instagram: @downthebookhole
Pintrest: fallingdowntheb
Tumblr: Falling Down The Rabbit Hole 
Bloglovin’: Down The Book Hole
Email: fallingdownthebookhole@gmail.com

disclosure: This post contains affiliate links


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